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<< All NewsSix Feet Up to Provide Support Services to Penn State College of Liberal Arts

Six Feet Up to Provide Support Services to Penn State College of Liberal Arts

September 4, 2012

The Penn State College of Liberal Arts is relying on the open source Content Management System Plone to power their 20+ websites. Looking for better support for the growing adoption of Plone on their campus, the College has asked Six Feet Up to help with emergency application support, as well as training and mentoring services.

This week, Six Feet Up is kicking off a Discovery & Analysis project aimed at improving the performance of two servers. The company will start by performing a system analysis of the servers to make sure best practices are in place to administer the machines.

Then Six Feet Up will review the underlying Plone content management implementation and provide recommendations on what can be tweaked in the theme, add-ons, and overall configuration to improve site performances.

Finally, Six Feet Up will look into pulling events in a Plone site from another Plone site based on category, as well as creating a new template for a brand-new Staff Directory page.

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