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<< All NewsPWC2022 Day 1 Recap: A Message of Unity

PWC2022 Day 1 Recap: A Message of Unity

March 21, 2022

The first day of the 2022 Python Web Conference kicked off with a message of unity in troubled times. Developer, author and former chair of the Python Software Foundation, Naomi Ceder spoke about the challenges facing today’s society including climate change, COVID-19 and the war in Ukraine. Naomi sees an opportunity for the Python community to rise to that challenge.

“In the past decade, we have built Python communities around the world with a surprising explosion of growth,” Naomi said. “Now, in these times of crisis, we need the power of community more than ever. I think we can be leaders in our wider communities, both as informed citizens and as people who have been part of the global Python community."

Naomi’s keynote address was the first of Monday's 17 talks which were separated across 6 tracks including App Dev, Cloud, Culture, Pydata and Tutorials.

Highlights from the first day:

How to combat Imposter Syndrome

Elizabeth Gray, a web developer for the College of Engineering at Purdue University, discussed Imposter Syndrome, and how it can impact both your working environment and your personal life. She went on to describe how pushing back against the notion that you do not deserve what you have — and the negative emotions and behaviors that come with those feelings — can help your productivity and positively impact your working environment.

Part of that process is recognizing your vulnerabilities and learning not to be afraid of them, she said. It's important to encourage both others and yourself.

“You want to feel safe to be vulnerable with each other, to make mistakes and to not feel like you're going to be reminded of your mistakes. It's invaluable to creating successful team dynamics,” Elizabeth said.

MediaCMS: Manage media files using this Django/React hybrid

Markos Gogoulos, a senior developer at Six Feet Up, demonstrated the capabilities of MediaCMS. This application, created using a Django/React hybrid framework, allows users to upload and curate media files in a highly customizable framework.

Markos outlined some future development plans for the application and called for any help from devops programmers, tech writers or developers that would be willing to help push the open-source project forward.

The presentation also featured best practices for organizing an open-source project to facilitate cooperation and contributions.

Using Apache Pulsar to develop streaming and messaging apps

Tim Spann, a developer advocate for StreamNative, discussed the benefits of using Apache Pulsar, namely its scalability and ability to work with any type of messaging. His presentation ran the gamut from using Apache Pulsar to setting up a standalone cluster and using several different Python libraries including Python client, websockets, MQTT and even Kafka.

Testing the reliability of your applications

The end-of-day keynote was presented by Jayesh Ahire, an AWS Machine Learning (ML) Hero and Product Manager at Last9. Jayesh’s presentation explored how to analyze applications for reliability, in particular, by analyzing Service Level Indicators and setting Service Level Objectives.


As always, the end-of-day social hour was a great and enjoyable opportunity for Pythonistas the world over to connect and socialize.

With so many talks, it was impossible to be everywhere at once, but we're looking forward to rewatching all of the recordings!

Check out the 2022 Python Web Conference schedule to see more information about the line-up of talks. Read the recap articles about Day 2, and Day 3.

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