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<< All NewsFive Sixies Selected as Speakers for Plone Conference 2011 in San Francisco

Five Sixies Selected as Speakers for Plone Conference 2011 in San Francisco

September 2, 2011

Calvin Hendryx-Parker, Chrissy Wainwright, Clayton Parker, Cris Ewing and Ron Kirchgessner have all been tapped as speakers for the Plone Conference 2011, the annual get-together for the Plone Community being held in San Francisco November 3-6. We're particularly proud, since this year's speakers were chosen in a public vote of the Plone community - so these talks are all on the topics Plone developers are most interested in.

Six Feet Up CTO Calvin Hendryx-Parker will be presenting twice during the conference - first in the "State of Plone" talk he is doing with Plone co-founder Alex Limi, and again with "Potential Plone Clients: How to Seal the Deal." This talk is about effectively pitching Plone to potential clients in a time when those clients are coming to the table with more knowledge about competing products, prepared to ask much more sophisticated questions.

Chrissy Wainwright, Six Feet Up's Senior Template Developer will be talking about "Making CSS and Firebug Your New Friends" - a basic introduction to CSS in Plone on how to use Firebug to help with styling. This is a natural follow-up to the two day in-depth course on Theming Plone 4 which Chrissy is teaching immediately prior to the conference, which still has space open at this time.

Senior Developer Clayton Parker will be presenting "Make Plone search act like Google using Solr" - a much anticipated talk on extending the search capabilities in Plone using the advanced capabilities of the open source Solr search engine.

Senior Developer Cris Ewing will discuss "Transmogrification: Beyond the Magic Box" Transmogrifier is a fantastic tool for moving content from one website to another. Simple, flexible and powerful, it makes the difficult tasks of migration easy and the impossible possible

Ron Kirchgessner, our Director of Development, will be answering the question "You just landed a multi-million dollar project: congrats! Now what?" His talk will provide an overview of what to expect and how to deal with the rigors of large-scale projects, which are very different from smaller engagements.

We're proud to have so many Sixies presenting to the Plone community at this year's conference. Six Feet Up will be there in force this year and we hope you'll take the time to stop by an visit with us if you're attending the conference. If you can't attend but are interested in finding out more about any of these topics, give us call at 317.861.5948 extension 610 or send an email to and we can hook you up with more information.

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