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<< All News23rd ShipIt Day Recap

23rd ShipIt Day Recap

January 21, 2021

Six Feet Up held its 23rd ShipIt Day virtually. Ten teams worked overnight to deliver a project of their choice that would benefit the company. Enjoying the company of each other over video chat, Sixies worked late into the night. Organized as a friendly competition, ShipIt Day granted the winning team $200 to donate to a charity of their choosing. This year's winners chose to donate to the Alliance for Responsible Pet Ownership (ARPO), an Indianapolis-based animal shelter.

Here are a few of the projects we completed:

Team ‘The Evil Knievel Chat-O-Rama’

Calvin and Peter, with the support of Caleb, built a brand-new Discord Integration for the LoudSwarm virtual event platform. Events now can integrate Slack or Discord into LoudSwarm’s all-in-one user-interface. Messages in Discord channels are forwarded to LoudSwarm’s chat window in real-time via web sockets, displayed alongside the presentation video and polling app. The integration supports two-way communication with Discord, which means LoudSwarm can send announcements to Discords channels via a fully-developed bot. The integration code runs fully-asynchronous inside of Django using cutting-edge features from the latest version of Django.

Team ‘We Will We Will Block You’

Drew, Chrissy, and Annette worked towards improving the usability of Trac and the ease of identifying ticket dependencies. They installed the MasterTicketsPlugin, updated the dependency graph visual display, and customized the ticket page to display a highlighted alert listing the blocked and blocking tickets. They also built a custom plugin to prepend a "no-entry" emoji indicator to the title of blocked tickets and update the ticket history.

Team ‘Wrath of Kanban’

Matt, Anthony, Caleb, and Glenn aggregated Trac tickets across multiple instances in a single React Kanban dashboard. Each Trac is completely independent without an existing way to view tickets from several instances, but this summary view allows users to quickly assess the status of tickets across a selection of Trac instances. The dashboard displays Ticket cards grouped in columns by workflow status. Each column is then sorted by criticality and color-coded to match our Trac's styling. The team also included Filtering by Job Code and Owner, with the possibility of adding more filters in the future.

Want to run your own ShipIt Day but not sure how to? Contact us.

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