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<< All NewsEleven Tickets Closed at 7th Plone Tune-Up Event

Eleven Tickets Closed at 7th Plone Tune-Up Event

November 20, 2008

20+ people participated in the 7th Plone Tune-Up held on Friday, November 14th. The event was led by Andi Zeidler (Jarn) starting at 7am US ET/ 13h GMT +1 and then by Clayton Parker (Six Feet Up) after 12pm US ET/ 18h GMT +1.

This worldwide effort resulted in 11 Plone tickets closed. The list of tickets closed at the Nov. 14th Plone Tune-Up can be viewed on the Plone Trac instance.

Plone Tune-Ups are regular online events that aim at addressing tickets in the Plone issue tracker and advancing the Plone CMS in general.

The next Plone Tune-Up will take place on December 5th.

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