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IndyPy Meetup: September 2021

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September 14, 2021
IndyPy Sept. 2021.png


4 - 4:15 p.m.: Announcements and introductions

4:15 - 5:30 p.m.: "Practical Python Async in 42 Lines of Code" by: Calvin Hendryx-Parker
Sometimes you know you have a problem that could benefit from asynchronous code. For example, have you ever wanted to scrape multiple pages of a site hunting for information? Doing this in series can be a very long process, and most of your time will be spent idle waiting on the network. So how do you take a synchronous Python program and super-charge it with async abilities — without having to learn every last bit of how the async libraries work? Let’s go on a journey and fix up our code to be blazing fast.

5:30 - 5:45 p.m.: Door Prizes

5:45 - 6 p.m.:Networking & General Discussion

About IndyPy:

The Indianapolis Python Meetup

Organized by Six Feet Up, the Indianapolis Python Meetup (“IndyPy”) is a leading national group promoting the Python programming language and connecting the Python community. IndyPy draws Python enthusiasts from the entire Midwest for regular events. In 2021, the group will celebrate 13 years of success with over 2,100+ members.

Interested in sponsoring IndyPy? Let's talk

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