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Indy Civic Hack

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June 6, 2015
Indy Civic Hack

Six Feet Up's CTO, Calvin Hendryx-Parker, will be a judge for the Innovation Award at Indy Civic Hack on June 6th. As the second installment of the Hack Indiana Series and an official event of Code for America’s National Day of Civic Hacking, the Indy Civic Hack takes development to a whole new level by pairing developer challenges with the public sector to bring about positive community change.

Each Agency will post a Challenge requiring Participants to develop an App that will solve a user problem facing public agencies. The Challenges will be posted on the website, along with detailed instructions, deadlines for completion, and other relevant information.

Challenges will be submitted from Indiana Family & Social Services Administration, the City of Indianapolis, and Indianapolis Public Schools. Finalists will be announced June 6th at Eleven Fifty Coding Academy in Carmel, Indiana. Finally, Winners will be announced June 23rd.



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