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Healthcare Marketing Strategies Summit 2012

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April 29, 2012

The 17th National Healthcare Marketing Strategies Summit (a.k.a. "HCMS 2012") is an opportunity for healthcare marketing and strategy executives to share “best practices” and network with colleagues from hospitals, health systems, and health plans.

Six Feet Up has invited strategic consulting agency Abstract Edge to its booth and will offer professional perspectives on recent trends in the enterprise content management, collaborative intranet, and mobile deployment space. Conference attendees will have the opportunity to sign up for a webinar on "Alternatives to SharePoint" (Wed. May 16th from 2-3p ET) and request a demo of the award-winning open source content management Plone and/or open source knowledge management system KARL.


Finally, on April 24th, 2012, Six Feet Up unveiled the official Web App for the Healthcare Marketing Strategies Summit, which allows conference attendees to participate in online conversations, review the conference program, read about speakers, and much more...



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