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61st Plone Tune-Up Day

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October 19, 2012

Plone Tune-Ups are regular online events that give developers, testers, documentation specialists and marketers world-wide the opportunity to improve and advance Plone. As an open source system, the CMS relies on developers of all interests and skill levels to participate so that Plone can continue to be a leader in open source Content Management Systems.

When & Where?

Friday, October 19th, 2012
9am-6pm Your Local Time
Join us at #plone-tuneup on
(when you choose to work on tickets in this list, please tag them "TuneUp61" so we can generate a report after the event)

Get started!
-> Choose a ticket and "accept" it (if you can't,
let an organizer know). Tag it "TuneUp61".
-> Paste error messages and code to

Key to Trac tickets keywords:

- Simple tickets are tagged "newbie"
- Tickets of a medium difficulty level are tagged "greenbelt"
- Difficult tickets are tagged "blackbelt"
- Time-consuming tickets are tagged "bigbug"
- Tickets that just need to be tested are tagged "forqa"
- Tickets that are ready to be committed are tagged "forcommit"



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