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Google Analytics for KARL

November 9, 2010
This provides some great insight of the most used features in KARL so that an organization can see what features are providing the best experience for their users.

I've talked about collecting statistics for RSS feeds that you use in KARL, but what about collecting your organization's statistics for KARL itself?  Some of our KARL customers have used Google Analytics to collect information of their members use within KARL.  This provides some great insight of the most used features in KARL so that an organization can see what features are providing the best experience for their users.  For some of the features that may not be used as often, this might provide information for KARL Administrators of what areas might need additional clarification and training.

Setting up Google Analytics is an easy process during setup of KARL:


It's that easy.  Once your KARL site is live, you can login to Google Analytics and create different reports to visualize your organization's usage of your KARL site.

To get started, visit Google Analytics Homepage

What about your organization? Do you use Google Analytics on your organization's intranet?  Do you find it useful?

How can we assist you in reaching your objectives?
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